Paper Baseball - Inspired by Statis-Pro Baseball

If you loved playing Statis-Pro Baseball, you are going to love this website. It captures the spirit and personality of the original table-top game, including those individual white player cards representing all the great ballplayers you remember from the game. This online version follows the same game rules as the original 1978 version. Forget how to play? No problem, this web version walks you through it so you can enjoy a great solitare experience.


Now supporting the following seasons:

1978: New York Yankees' Ron Guidry won the A.L. Cy Young Award with a dominating season of 25 wins, and a mind-boggling 1.74 ERA. Jim Rice of the Boston Red Sox named A.L. MVP with 46 homers and 139 RBIs. Dave Parker wins N.L. MVP with a league-leading .334 batting average. Replay a matchup between strikeout kings Nolan Ryan of the California Angels and J.R. Richard of the Houston Astros. Or replay the 1978 World Series between the Dodgers and the Yankees. Player cards are based on the printed cards that came with the original game.

1941: 1941 was a blockbuster year for once-in-a-lifetime performances. First, Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox became the last man in the big leagues to hit .400 for the season. Recreate his historic season as he squared off against Bob Feller, Lefty Gomez, Dutch Leonard and Red Ruffing. But Williams did not win the MVP that year, because 1941 was also the year of Joe DiMaggio's famous 56-game hitting streak! Player cards are based on a Java program's computation algorithms of the 1978 player ranking system.

1956: MVP Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees won the coveted Triple Crown with 52 home runs, 130 RBIs, and a .353 batting average. 1956 was also the year when Don Larsen of the Yankees pitched the only perfect game in the World Series against the Brooklyn Dodgers. Player cards are based on a Java program's computation algorithms of the 1978 player ranking formulas.

1961: 1961 was a historic year for baseball. Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle battled it out to be the first to break Babe Ruth's All-time home run record. 1961 is also the inaugural season of the Los Angeles Angels and rookie Dean Chance. The Washington Senators moved to Minnesota and became the Twins. To replace them, Washington also got a new team, named the... Senators. Player cards are based on a Java program's computation algorithms of the 1978 player ranking formulas.


1941 Boston Braves
1941 Boston Red Sox
1941 Brooklyn Dodgers
1941 Chicago Cubs
1941 Chicago White Sox
1941 Cincinnati Reds
1941 Cleveland Indians
1941 Detroit Tigers
1941 New York Giants
1941 New York Yankees
1941 Philadelphia Athletics
1941 Philadelphia Phillies
1941 Pittsburgh Pirates
1941 St. Louis Browns
1941 St. Louis Cardinals
1941 Washington Senators


1956 Baltimore Orioles
1956 Boston Red Sox
1956 Brooklyn Dodgers
1956 Chicago Cubs
1956 Chicago White Sox
1956 Cincinnati Redlegs
1956 Cleveland Indians
1956 Detroit Tigers
1956 Kansas City Athletics
1956 Milwaukee Braves
1956 New York Giants
1956 New York Yankees
1956 Philadelphia Phillies
1956 Pittsburgh Pirates
1956 St. Louis Cardinals
1956 Washington Senators


1961 Baltimore Orioles
1961 Boston Red Sox
1961 Chicago Cubs
1961 Chicago White Sox
1961 Cincinnati Reds
1961 Cleveland Indians
1961 Detroit Tigers
1961 Kansas City Athletics
1961 Los Angeles Angels
1961 Los Angeles Dodgers
1961 Milwaukee Braves
1961 Minnesota Twins
1961 New York Yankees
1961 Philadelphia Phillies
1961 Pittsburgh Pirates
1961 San Francisco Giants
1961 St. Louis Cardinals
1961 Washington Senators


1978 Atlanta Braves
1978 Baltimore Orioles
1978 Boston Red Sox
1978 California Angels
1978 Chicago Cubs
1978 Chicago White Sox
1978 Cincinnati Reds
1978 Cleveland Indians
1978 Detroit Tigers
1978 Houston Astros
1978 Kansas City Royals
1978 Los Angeles Dodgers
1978 Milwaukee Brewers
1978 Minnesota Twins
1978 Montreal Expos
1978 New York Mets
1978 New York Yankees
1978 Oakland Athletics
1978 Philadelphia Phillies
1978 Pittsburgh Pirates
1978 San Diego Padres
1978 San Francisco Giants
1978 Seattle Mariners
1978 St. Louis Cardinals
1978 Texas Rangers
1978 Toronto Blue Jays

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More teams to follow if I ever get off my fat duff...

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